Challenge Champions
How can developers leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies for image analysis, on orbit, to accelerate and improve the identification and analysis of a high value event of interest (e.g. plumes of smoke indicating a warning of bush fire), and optimize efficiency of the delivery of intelligence to users on Earth?
Machine Learning Solutions That Can Be Run On Satellites and Other Space Habitants
Today, insights based on orbital data are mostly generated on the ground, and the delivery to end-users takes too long due to slow transmission from the satellites. Little Place Labs envision a future with Satellite Edge Computing at the centre and we focus on building highly scalable and configurable machine-learning solutions that will generate critical insights on board remote sensing satellites and other space habitants. The data will be processed immediately as it is captured and only the most relevant insights are downlinked to the end-users. This helps overcome the bandwidth problem, reduce cost, and lead time for services derived from satellite data.
Our fundamental goal is to create value to humanity using space technologies. Our solutions will help push the edge revolution and enable near real-time insights on time-sensitive events such as fires, floods, Illegal fishing & hunting, and other defense applications, to end-users such as governments, emergency responders, and the general public.
SOS: How might we save our soils and regenerate degraded land?
(1) Innovator:
Carbon-health, your Carbon Sequestration Crop Advisor
Soil worldwide is increasingly degrading because of increase in greenhouse gases emissions and subsequent adverse climate change effects. Consequently, yield, revenues decline and price increase. Tenchijin is contributing to soil health enhancement through intercropping and designed Carbon-Health, a desktop and a tablet A.I powered solution that analyse satellite data and recommends the companion crop with highest synergy with the orchard and carbon sequestration potential to grow between the alleys of Bx’ orchard.
The platform matches the growth condition of the crops (temperature, soil, humidity) with the Bx’ orchard environment (temperature, rain, solar radiance) while ensuring synergy with the orchard trees and reduced costs. The database currently includes 15 species (chief among them rye, sorghum, chives, lemon grass, coriander, etc) and can easily be extended to accommodate additional crops and modelling types. With the highly portable, user-friendly Carbon-Health solution, agribusinesses are able to quickly harness the potential of their land, tailor their procedures for specific parcels, visualize their land key performance indicators and enhance their income through carbon-driven ancillary revenues. Ultimately, mankind will live in a healthier environment, will have access to healthier food at a fair price and see its purchasing power increase.
(2) Innovator:
Dynamic Knowledge Hub
More than 75% of Earth’s land is substantially degraded, undermining the wellbeing of 3.2 billion people. If this trend continues, the amount of degraded land is expected to reach 95% by 2050. This will have dramatic effects on our economy and food supply.
We designed a dynamic knowledge hub that uses geospatial data to recommend and explain sustainable practices on someone’s land. A user would initially select their plot, followed by selecting what aspect of their land they would like to improve. Our tailored smart articles are displayed on a web interface, delivering ingestible knowledge to land owners. Empowered with information to gear their management practices towards more sustainable approaches, land custodians can begin making changes on their land.
Clear on transmission line clearance. Help us accurately detect electricity line sag to ensure public and environment safety and enable greater renewable energy output.
Frazer-Nash Consultancy has developed PowerMET (Prediction Optimisation for Weather Effects on Ratings Monitoring & Evaluation Tool), a tool to estimate the local weather conditions along power line corridors to maximise line capacity and more accurately determine the electricity transmission network’s operational risk profile.
By combining space-derived meteorological data provided by SPIRE and local topography modelling we will create an accurate microclimatic model that predicts temperature, wind speed and wind direction. This high-fidelity data can be used to determine the line temperature and allowable current in each span of the transmission line, and hence the allowable current for the entire power line.
NASA Harvest
Crop Type Mapping - NASA Harvest, faces the challenge to correctly identify the crops detected in satellite imagery. To tackle this challenge, ground-based teams have collected additional data points in the format of images and other information to be mapped with the satellite data. The primary goal is to map this additional data to the satellite imagery and create high quality labels.
Labelling of Crop Fields on Satellite Imagery using Depth Estimation from Street-level Images
The NASA Harvest crop fields delineation project addresses a critical issue that impacts not just livelihoods but lives as well. nDSpace is critical to NASA Harvest’s target of building a satellite map with crop fields clearly demarcated and classified to help farmers, governments and rural banks identify agricultural trends and identify how to ensure their food produce remains robust amid environmental challenges like climate change and natural disasters.
nDSpace has developed a depth estimation algorithm to accurately extract crop location coordinates from street-level images. This will achieve the goal of localisation and demarcation of crops on satellite imagery, so that crop yield observations and future growth predictions can be made using Machine Learning models. This solution using both street-level images and then satellite images for mapping proves to be a more time and cost effective solution as compared to using only high resolution satellite images.
Responsible Risk
Valuing Nature - better assessing financial risk: Dynamic data is needed for Investors to describe both impacts on Natural Capital assets & dependencies on Eco-system Services.
The Sherwood Platform; a Step-Change in Monitoring Natural Capital Assets
Enormous investment into protecting and restoring nature is needed - up to $8trillion by 2050 - to avert a climate and ecological catastrophe. The limiting factor is not capital but the provision of data to allow investors to appropriately price risk for investments and to then monitor performance over time. How do we translate trees or peat into financial data?
Treeconomy proposes a 3-step solution wrapped up in the Sherwood Platform. We use high resolution satellite and drone data to monitor natural assets in greater resolution, deploy machine learning and other AI tools on these large data sets to gather necessary data points (tree count, height, wetness of peatland etc.), and can then quantify and track the delivery of ecosystem services - most notably the removal and storage of CO2 - as well as their exchange through supply chains using blockchain technology.
We increase trust, transparency and accuracy of monitoring natural ecosystems, and make nature investible.
Roche Australia
Driving Better Access of Healthcare Services and Supplies. How can real-time satellite data support supply chain management to drive better access to healthcare services and supply?
The Predictive Analytic Control Tower (PACT)
The Predictive Analytic Control Tower (PACT) enables these stakeholders to view the problem of climate disruption to medical supply chains from a variety of angles. Each stakeholder requires a different level of granularity in tracking their product. Our solution accounts for these different levels of visibility through its tiered software approach. This encompasses a fully functional web application filtering down to lightweight Android applications.
Rural Bank
Equip Australian farmers with climate management tools to build resilience and strengthen business viability.
Climate Risk Management System for Farm Businesses
Mullion’s solution will offer a suite of services to assist farm business owners to increase resilience, strengthen viability and demonstrate credibility, both financially and environmentally. The services will enhance the ability of farm businesses to manage immediate, seasonal, and long-term climate risks, and to identify appropriate adaptation pathways. The high quality GHG monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) services offered with this solution will increase opportunities for farm businesses to participate in carbon markets, and reduce the risk of market access disruptions as global industries target net-zero emissions.
The solution is based on a modular design with best-practice integration capabilities. Instead of an isolated tool, our data integration and processing system translates remote sensing data, climate data, and farm-specific inputs into meaningful and consistent information products. The system architecture ensures ease of modernisation in response to changing information needs and improved data sources. The solution is cost-efficient as it is based on existing operational platforms, including Mullion’s data integration and analysis platform FLINTpro. To deliver high quality services, Mullion leverages the expertise of leading climate risk data providers (CLIMsystems) and integrates with existing farm software like MyFarmKey.
UK Hydrographic Office and Whale and Dolphin Conservation
How might 21st Century technology solve the mystery of global whale populations and unlock the opportunities of Ocean-based solutions to the climate crisis?
Furthermore, how can we optimise satellite and environmental data to minimise vessel strikes on marine mammals during port approach and departures.
Optimisation of Satellite and Environment Data to Minimise Vessel Strikes on Marine Mammals
To alleviate ship strikes on whales and dolphins we have created a flexible, customisable workflow to create hazard and vulnerability zones around the world. This assists in deconfliction when combined with shipping regulations and guidance, and helps to raise awareness of the issues. The solution combines oceanographic variables captured from satellite imagery with satellite AIS data and marine ecological research. The output is provided as a service that we can provide to a multitude of maritime stakeholders and thus protect these amazing creatures.